May 16
Blaming resistance is like saying "I did my job, it's all y'alls fault!!" - Get curious, not furious. #leanchange #5universals https://buff.ly/44KXMdP
May 15
*You* might be agile, but the organization that wants you to help them transform might have other values. When organizations think standards leads to stability, there might be a whole lot of gravity pulling them back into the 'old way of doing things' and using transformational, mindset, culture an...Read more
May 14
The Six Big Ideas of Adaptive Organizations: Six sense-making models designed to help your organization get off the transformation treadmill. #leanchange https://buff.ly/3UGqxnu
May 14
It's here! Our new book, The Six Big Ideas of Adaptive Organizations! https://buff.ly/3UGqxnu
May 13
When organizations are fuelled by the desire for stability, they seek standards and control. It's hard to escape the organizational gravity to change things. Instead of shooting for another galaxy, maybe they should try getting to the moon first. https://buff.ly/3UGqxnu